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The Real Value of Goals

The view of a man’s legs and a beach background as he lays on a hammock

As you may know already if you are familiar with the work I do through YWC, Meaningful Purpose Psychology (MP) plays a central part in my approach to personal financial success. What we do is only as valuable as the meaningfulness of why we do it. So, we must make sure that what we pursue is truly aligned with what it is we really want. In other words, taking the time and effort to make sure want you want in life is behind the thing you’re focused on.

It's not uncommon for people to have goals like achieving an outcome or a milestone, receiving recognition, or earning a certain amount. Others may have goals like owning a certain kind of car, taking a vacation to the beach, or being able to purchase designer clothes or accessories. There are so many different reasons behind why we have goals. Many people may want the same thing but might have differing motivations for their desires. Truth is, you won’t know if the thing you’re looking at is a meaningful goal for you until you understand where that desire is coming from – the deeper meaning.

I wrote a blog post recently for the Boston Institute for Meaningful Purpose (where I am a partner) around this very topic. It’s called 5 Key Questions That Will Help You See and Realize Your Personal Meaning.

I love how nicely this topic fits in with personal financial life success. In fact, the concept of value is really at the heart of “want”, isn’t it? Seeing and realizing the deeper personal meanings is a great way to find and connect to the real value of goals you have and to know if they are aligned with what you find personally meaningful.

Take a look at the blog post and feel free to join the site and leave a comment to let us know what you think.


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