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Introducing IFC FIT

Updated: Jan 19, 2024

A gym with various fitness equipment set up. High rafters with black padded floor and weight benches. Colors of the floor in the center (green) and the weight plates (red, blue, yellow, and green) stand out in the center of the picture. In the lower section the words IFC FIT in bold yellow text are centered

Happy New Year!


I hope that this first half of January has been great for each of you. For me, the end of the year brought a great sense of something shifting in my focus that brought both a sense of excitement and nervous anticipation. So, I made it smaller, and into a Trojan Mouse that I want to share with this community of ours.


I'm thrilled to introduce IFC FIT, a new dimension within Yellow Wood Coaching's Integrated Financial Coaching practice. This is a group learning and practice community that will meet six times on Zoom from February into April. The structure of the program is based on the wildly popular and effective group fitness program called CrossFit. I started attending CrossFit sessions in the middle of 2023 and have been really inspired by the thoughtful structure, engaging focuses, and the simplicity of gaining a benefit by just showing up and engaging. As I came to appreciate the approach so much, I was inspired to replicate it into an engaging, practical, and accessible program. I did my research on the nuances that make CrossFit so effective, even sitting down with the owners of the gym I attend to get more in-depth background and put it together into what I think is going to be a valuable approach to learning and practicing around personal financial life wellness – IFC FIT!


In each IFC FIT session there will be whole group engagement, small team breakout discussions, learning and refreshing on basic financial life related topics, and a heavy focus on practice. Together, we'll learn, practice, discuss, and refine skills related to personal financial wellness —topics often undertaught and underdiscussed in our lives for various reasons.


No judgment, no shame, and no quick fixes. IFC FIT, much like CrossFit, accommodates practical modifications, making it inclusive for anyone at any level. Just as in CrossFit sessions, individuals at different fitness levels work side by side, focusing on their unique goals. IFC FIT follows the same concept — tailoring to individual needs and growth focuses, whether it's gaining knowledge, practicing application, or refining mindsets and behaviors. Just as I say in my one-on-one coaching, the goal of the practice is progress, not perfect. Your journey within IFC FIT is about personal progress and the achievement of your financial wellness goals.


We’ll be meeting on Zoom every other Thursday evening from 7pm – 8pm ET staring on February 7th. There will be six sessions in total for this first group over the course of three months. The program cost is $99 each month for three months ($297 total). If you want to attend but the cost is not doable, please email me so we can discuss. We’ll find a way to make sure you can attend. 


To sign up click here or visit and choose “plans and pricing” then “IFC FIT”. If you aren’t already a site member you can become one and join the IFC FIT group. You’ll get an email from me with some additional details and info on joining the IFC FIT group on the app! If you have any trouble at all just email me at


Thank you for taking the time to learn about this new offering from Yellow Wood Coaching. It complements the Integrated Financial Coaching (one-on-one) program seamlessly and provides an affordable group approach for those interested in being in community with others who are also focused on their financial wellness.


Remember, just like physical fitness, financial wellness is a journey – not the destination. Let’s come together and work on our Integrated Financial lives as a community of learning and practice!


See you at the gym!

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